How to Write a Research Paper on Public Transport?

Anushka Khare Posted on: 2021-01-18 09:29:00 Viewer: 8,423 Comments: 0 Country: India City: New Delhi

How to Write a Research Paper on Public Transport?

From the first glance, writing research on public transport looks like writing any other research paper — look for information, choose the facts that support your thesis, put your arguments in order, describe the methodology, draw conclusions, add citations, do the formatting, and submit. However, like any topic, this one has its peculiarities, pitfalls, opportunities, and challenges. For example, due to the fact that public transport is an everyday part of our lives, it is difficult to come up with some novice topics about it, to look at it from a different angle, with fresh eyes. That is why, if you need some fresh ideas and overall guidance to deal with this assignment, read this article.

The research paper is written in the form of a step-by-step guide, but you can focus only on the one that seems the most troublesome to you.

Let's get started with considering the following easy steps and tips, - and you will be able to write your research paper like academic experts do from WriteMyPaperHub, for example.

Writing a Quality Research Paper on Public Transport

  • Brainstorm for ideas if you have the luxury to choose a topic. Of course, there is a chance that you don't have a say in a topic for your research paper. Colleges and universities are different, and demands differ from one professor to another. However, if you have an opportunity to choose, brainstorm topics first, don't just agree to the first offered option. 

  • Plan your research and writing. You need to plan every stage — brainstorming, research, writing, formatting, proofreading. It is not easy if you do it for the first time, but it is important to get used to it. Normally, students think that they have all the time in the world to finish their research paper, but once they write a thorough plan, they understand they should have started "yesterday."

  • Write an outline for your Public Transport paper. The outline is a necessary part. It is a plan, but for a text. If you skip this part, at some point, you will inevitably get lost. Write an outline when you feel motivated and fresh. Later, when you feel a desire to procrastinate or don't know what to write, a quality outline will save the day.

  • Use only up-to-date sources and Google Scholar search. If you come with a stunning idea for research but use outdated materials, the result will be less than average in quality. To avoid this situation, please, use Google Scholar search instead of a simple Google search, use online and offline libraries you have access to, and check every research for more updated versions.

  • Identify trends and opportunities. Which trends related to public transport can you identify right away? For example, you can write about an effect pandemic had on public transport. You can pay attention to public transport getting more inclusive for people with special needs. Even if you write about a topic that is not directly related to current trends, try to make it related — it is good to show connections and interdependencies. 

  • Identify threats to the industry. It is another opportunity to make your research paper more interesting and "fresh." Don't focus on negative perspectives too much, but show what can be done better and what poses the biggest threat to the industry or people working in it.

  • Come up with an engaging thesis statement. We bet you already know that you can spend a comparable amount of time writing a whole outline and composing one short thesis statement. It is recommended to follow a simple step-by-step strategy and not to try to come up with a perfect thesis statement from the first try. First, describe what you want to say in general in 3-5 sentences. Later, cut them again and again till you come up with one clear sentence summarizing everything.

  • Choose/formulate quality arguments. You need at least three and no more than five arguments to support your statement. Start with a strong argument and finish with the strongest. 

  • Make sure the structure of your paper is logical. Most probably, you are not a newbie and know how to structure a research paper. However, it is not only about the titles of paragraphs and sections but also about their content. Don't add arguments to methodology; don't describe methods in the introduction; don't introduce new ideas when writing conclusions. 

  • Proofread your paper thoroughly. When you are done writing, the easiest thing is just to get relaxed, read briefly, and submit. It would be a mistake! Give yourself some time to rest and later start proofreading your paper. Use paid online proofreaders, read aloud, print your paper to find more mistakes when reading a printed text. It is very unpleasant to get a lower grade for a quality paper just because of some technical omissions and grammar mistakes.

  • Make a technical check for plagiarism. You know that you don't plagiarize. We believe that you don't plagiarize. But more than 20% of accusations of plagiarism happen because of some technical derivation. That is why it is important that you check your citations several times and use some online sources to check your paper for plagiarism, at least preliminary.

How to Deal with Research Papers on Time

If you are not sure that all the mentioned tips can help you finish a research on time, it is good to address a professional writing service and pay to have your research paper done by someone who is a real academic expert. First, if you are not experienced in writing complex academic papers, you will receive a quality sample that can be used as a perfect step-by-step tutorial. Second, you will rest assured that this particular paper will be assessed favorably. Third, you will receive a list of well-thought-out references that you can further use when writing on related topics. Getting professional research paper writing help is a good Plan B decision, especially when you are in a hurry. Unfortunately, academia is generally deaf to students' problems outside the college or university, and delegating some assignments to writing professionals is a good way out in such a situation.

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